George Bizos Icon

A young Greek refugee from World War 2 makes South Africa his home and becomes a political lawyer, bravely standing up to tyranny and defending some of our greatest fighters for democracy and freedom.

SA Premiere



Jane Thandi Lipman | Peter Goldsmid


South Africa | Greece



Running Time:

90 min


English | Greek

This insightful chronicle of the life of legendary human rights advocate, George Bizos, is a timely reminder of where we have come from and how we got to where we are as a country. From his early friendship with Nelson Mandela, to his central involvement in the Rivonia Trial and numerous other seminal legal events, to his role in the authoring of the South African constitution, Bizos’ life was so intimately linked to key political events that this film should be required viewing for anyone interested in the history of the country. Importantly, the film also acknowledges the failures inherent in 21st century South Africa and that the political freedom that Bizos, Mandela, and so many others fought for has little meaning without economic freedom. Made with remarkably broad access to Bizos’ intimates and colleagues, and rich with archival footage, George Bizos Icon is a highly engaging film about one of South Africa’s great humanists.