SA Premiere



Bernadette Wegenstein


United States



Running Time:

91 min



The Conductor illuminates the world of classical music performance today through the life of the astonishing internationally renowned conductor Marin Alsop. As one of the first female conductors, with stunning accomplishments including winning the MacArthur ‘Genius’ Grant and currently holding the position of the music director of three orchestras internationally, the film reveals Alsop’s struggles and triumphs to reach the top. Alsop, raised by a family of musicians and trained from an early age, details her persistent drive to fulfil her dream as a conductor, despite the gendered limitations of this male-dominated field. Her connection to other musical geniuses, including the great Leonard Bernstein, provides a heartwarming through-line of the lasting life of the field, and its continually exciting innovations, challenges and evolution. The film generously gives space for a parallel inquiry into the art of conducting and the beauty of classical music. The film captures the essence of the thriving and passionate community of musicians, collaborators and music lovers and stands as a love letter to the orchestra and classical music as it survives and lives today.